Water crisis in Catalunya: 7 tips to save water

Water crisis in Catalunya: 7 tips to save water

How can you help cope with the water crisis in Catalunya?

Catalunya is facing the worst drought in its modern history, with water reserves falling below 16% and triggering a state of emergency. The Catalan government has imposed water restrictions on more than 200 municipalities, affecting about six million people. The measures include bans on filling swimming pools, watering gardens, washing cars, and using showers in public facilities. The situation is expected to last for at least 15 months, unless there is significant rainfall.

The water crisis has serious impacts on households and businesses, especially in the agricultural, industrial, and tourism sectors. Farmers have to reduce irrigation by 20%, risking lower yields and quality of their crops. Industries have to cut back on water use or pay higher tariffs, affecting their competitiveness and profitability. Tourists may face inconveniences and discomfort due to the lack of water services and amenities.

To cope with the water crisis, everyone must do their part to save water and use it efficiently. Here are some tips on how to conserve water at home and on the go:

  1. Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth or shaving.

 This can save up to 30 litres of water per day. 

  1. Take shorter showers instead of baths. 

A 5-minute shower uses about 38 litres of water, while a bath uses 114 litres.

  1. Install low-flow showerheads and faucets. 

These devices can reduce water consumption by 50% or more, without affecting the water pressure or quality.

  1. Fix any leaks or drips in your pipes, faucets, or toilets.

A single leak can waste up to 15 litres of water per day, or more than 5,000 liters per year.

  1. Use a dishwasher or a washing machine only when they are full.

These appliances use a lot of water, so avoid running them with partial loads. Also, choose the eco-friendly or water-saving modes if available.

  1. Collect rainwater or reuse greywater for watering plants, flushing toilets, or cleaning floors.

 Rainwater and greywater are sources of water that can be used for non-potable purposes, reducing the demand for fresh water. However, make sure to follow the safety and hygiene guidelines for storing and using them.

  1. Avoid buying bottled water and carry a reusable water bottle.

Bottled water is not only expensive and wasteful, but also contributes to plastic pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. By using a water filter like EcoPro to replace bottled water and a reusable water bottle on the go, you can save money, reduce waste, and stay hydrated.

Hope these tips are helpful for you during this challenging time. 

At Tappwater we will continue to work on innovative solutions to eliminate the need for bottled water and reduce water waste.

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Magnus Jern (MCS) is a co-founder of Tappwater, a water researcher, and recognized authority on tap water and advanced water filtration technology. Over the past seven years, he has dedicated himself to understanding everything about tap water quality, filtration systems, and bottled water.