TAPP Water Essential vs Brita Jar water filter
TAPP Water Essentiial vs Brita: One of the most common questions we get is how Essential (previously TAPP 1) compares to Brita water filter pitchers. To make it easy we created a comparison table so you can see for yourself. This includes TAPP faucet filters, pitchers as well as other types of filters.

one great advantage of pitchers is that they work in every single kitchen.
So what should you choose between TAPP Water Essential water filter vs Brita Jars?
Assuming that your kitchen has a normal faucet like 95% of all kitchens, then TAPP Water EcoPro is a clear winner.
And if you don’t believe us check out what our customers say on Facebook.
How does TAPP Water EcoPro compare to other filters?
Check out our full comparison of
TAPP vs PUR, Brita, Culligan and other water filters and
Brita vs EcoPro by TAPP Water.