Drinking contaminated tap water (AI generated image)

You Are Drinking Water Wrong — How to Do It Right

Did you know that the way you drink water could be affecting your health? I used to think that we could trust that both tap water and bottled water was "perfectly safe to drink" but have learned that the truth is a lot more complicated. Here are some common mistakes people make and how to avoid them.

1. Drinking Bottled Water

While bottled water is often marketed as a healthier alternative to tap water, it can actually be worse for you. Studies have shown that bottled water contains microplastics and hormone disruptors that can end up in your bloodstream, brain, and other organs. These contaminants can have a negative impact on your health, so it's best to avoid bottled water altogether.

2. Not Drinking Enough Water in the Morning and Together with Coffee

It's important to drink water throughout the day, but it's especially important to drink it in the morning and together with coffee. When you wake up, your body is dehydrated, so it's important to replenish your fluids. Drinking water with coffee can also help to reduce the acidity of the coffee and prevent stomach upset.

3. Drinking Unfiltered Water with Nitrate, Fluoride, Lead, and PFAS Within the Legal Limits

While contaminants such as Nitrate, Fluoride, Lead and PFAS may be within legal limits, they can still pose health risks, especially for vulnerable populations such as infants and pregnant women. Some contaminants such as Nitrate have very different limits depending on country and region. Nitrate can cause blue baby syndrome in infants, while Fluoride, Lead and PFAS can have negative effects on brain development and overall health. Use a high quality water filter to avoid exposure to these contaminants. 

Source: CNN about risks of fluoride in tap water

4. Using a Water Filter That Has Not Been Changed on Time or Maintained Properly

Water filters can be an effective way to remove contaminants from your drinking water, but they must be maintained properly to work effectively. If a filter is not changed on time or is not cleaned regularly, it can become contaminated, grow bacteria and may even release harmful substances into your water.

Source: Why you have to change your water filter frequently

5. Drinking Bottled Water with Ice While Traveling to Countries with Unsafe Drinking Water

While bottled water may seem like a safe option in countries with unsafe drinking water, the ice used to chill it may be made from contaminated water. Freezing water doesnt kill bacteria and viruses. This can lead to serious health problems, such as diarrhea and dehydration. Always double check the source of the ice or drink using a water filter bottle such as BottlePro Adventure that filters 99.99% of bacteria and viruses.

Source: USDA about freezing tap water


Drinking water is essential for good health, but it's important to do it right. By avoiding bottled water, drinking enough water in the morning and together with coffee, and avoiding other common mistakes, you can ensure that you are getting the most out of your water intake.


If you don't like the taste of your tap water or have concerns about its quality, using a water filter is a great way to improve your drinking water. However, it's important to choose a filter that is appropriate for your needs and to maintain it properly. Additionally, if you are pregnant or have an infant, it may be best to consult with a healthcare provider about the best water source for your family. Be aware that many doctors may not be up to date with with the latest research. 

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