Tap Water

Survey insights and stats on tap water, bottled water, and filtered water in Germany

Are you interested in uncovering the latest insights on tap water quality in Germany? Access to clean and safe drinking water is essential for our well-being, and a recent survey conducted by has provided valuable insights into the perceptions of tap water across the country. This survey aimed to understand the level of trust, concerns, and satisfaction regarding tap water among German residents in various regions. By analyzing the data, we can gain a deeper understanding of the state of tap water in Germany. From regional variations in trust to the factors that influence perception, such as household size or location, this survey offers a comprehensive snapshot of public attitudes. Join us as we dive into the main findings and key takeaways from this enlightening survey on tap water in Germany.

Key Takeaways

  • 77% of Bavarians and Swabians consume bottled water.
  • 67% of Germans drink tap water at least once a day.
  • 86% of Germans consider their tap water to be the cleanest in Europe.
  • 60% of Germans are concerned that their tap water will deteriorate in the future.

Perceived tap water safety

  • 75% of Germans listed climate change as a factor that could negatively impact tap water quality.
  • 84% of Germans rated their tap water quality as either "good" or "very good."

According to the German Environment Ministry, water in Germany “is of excellent quality and is one of the most strictly controlled food products”. The quality of German tap water is strictly regulated by the government, making it one of the cleanest tap waters in the world. Some regions in Germany have harder tap water than others, which might affect the taste. However, studies have found that it is safe to drink and not harmful to human health.

Proportion of people who rated their tap water as safe

Hamburg 100% Hesse 100% Rhineland Palatinate 100% Schleswig Holstein 100% Saxony Anhalt 93% Saxony 92% National Average 88% Northrhine Westphalia 88% Bavaria 88% Baden-Württemberg 87% Lower Saxony 80% Berlin 79%

Top Concerns about Tap Water in Germany

In Germany, tap water is considered safe to drink and is of excellent quality. However, there are some concerns about its contents. One concern is limescale, caused by minerals such as calcium and magnesium present in the water. While not unhealthy to drink, some people choose to filter their tap water to reduce its presence. Another concern is the presence of toxic chemicals such as PFAS, also known as “forever chemicals”. Scientists have raised concerns that the allowable levels of these chemicals in drinking water may be too high. These chemicals have been linked to cancer and other diseases.

Limescale 15% Bacteria 15% Chemicals 10%

22% of Germans perceived to have experienced side effects from their tap water

Although 88% of respondents rated their tap water as safe, a staggering 22% of Germans said that they experienced a side effect from their tap water. Although tap water in Germany does meet all quality standards, there are several factors that could lead to this statistic. Aging infrastructure can lead to degrading water quality. 76% of Germans said that agricultural residue could negatively impact their tap water. Additionally, other perceived contaminants could be present such as limescale or hard water. It is important to note that neither limescale nor hard water is unhealthy. Despite this fact, many people perceive these to be unhealthy contaminants due to the effects they have on pipes and fixtures. Using a faucet filter can help reduce the effects of these minerals in your tap water.

Tap Water in Berlin and Munich

Tap water in both Berlin and Bavaria is known for its exceptional quality and taste. In Berlin, residents and visitors can enjoy the privilege of accessing tap water that is considered safe and delicious. The water supply in the city is sourced mainly from local groundwater and undergoes rigorous treatment processes to ensure its purity. Berlin's tap water is regularly tested and monitored to meet the highest standards set by the German authorities.

Similarly, in Bavaria, tap water is held to strict quality regulations. The region takes pride in its pristine water sources, including natural springs and mountain streams, which contribute to the exceptional taste of the tap water. Bavarians can trust that their tap water is meticulously treated and continuously monitored to guarantee its cleanliness and pleasant flavor. Whether in Berlin or Bavaria, locals and tourists alike can confidently rely on tap water for its quality, making it a refreshing and convenient choice for staying hydrated.

Bottled Water Consumption in Germany

In Germany, many people still prefer buying bottled water rather than drinking from the tap. On average, every citizen drinks around 147 liters of mineral water per year. In 2019, Germany was the second-largest consumer of bottled water per capita in the EU with 168 liters consumed per person. Bottled water has a greater impact on the climate, with about 17.4 billion plastic bottles consumed in Germany per year, amounting to 470,000 tonnes of waste. Imported bottled water in particular causes up to 1000 times more environmental pollution than tap water

Baden-Württemberg 77% Bavaria 77% Hesse 74% Rhineland Palatinate 74% Lower Saxony 73% Northrhine Westphalia 73% Hamburg 73% National Average 73% Berlin 69% Saxony 63% Schleswig Holstein 57% Saxony Anhalt 50%

The national average for bottled water consumption in Germany is 73%. The highest consumption rates are in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria, both at 77%, while the lowest consumption rate is in Saxony Anhalt at 50%. Other regions with lower-than-average consumption rates include Schleswig Holstein at 57% and Saxony at 63%. Berlin, Hamburg, Hesse, Northrhine Westphalia, Rhineland Palatinate, and Lower Saxony all have consumption rates around the national average of 73%.

Tap Water Taste

77% of Germans are satisfied with the taste of their tap water

Tap water taste in Germany is highly regarded by the majority of its population, with an impressive 82% of Germans describing their tap water as nothing short of "delicious." This widespread satisfaction is a testament to the country's commitment to providing clean and high-quality drinking water to its citizens. However, it is worth noting that a considerable portion of the population, specifically 23.5%, perceive their water as being hard or calcareous. Hard water, characterized by a higher mineral content, can sometimes result in an undesirable taste. Nonetheless, despite this minor concern, the overwhelmingly positive perception of tap water taste in Germany reflects the nation's effective water treatment processes and stringent quality standards.

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