Can you drink Houston tap water?

Can you drink Houston tap water?

The tap water in Houston is safe to drink according to EPA and international standards. It’s also very hard and mineral rich and due to this and the chlorine treatment, it may not taste great to everyone. Thankfully this is easy to solve with an affordable water filter such as TAPP which also vastly reduce the risk of contaminants.

Where does Houston tap water come from?

Local lakes and rivers supply the City of Houston surface water resources. Eighty-seven percent of our supply flows from the Trinity River into Lake Livingston, and from the San Jacinto River into Lake Conroe and Lake Houston.

What is in LA tap water and who regulates it?

Houston water managed by Water Treatment Operations (WTA) is treated to very high standards for microorganisms and toxins. As the result of its treatment, it doesn't taste very good to a lot of people and depending on how old your neighborhood is the age of the water mains could give the water a metallic taste. The water in Houston is generally very hard. The upside of this is that it’s mineral-rich but the downside is that it may cause limescale to e.g. the coffee maker. For the last 4 years assessed by the EPA (2014-2017), tap water provided by Houston’s water utility was in compliance with federal health-based drinking water standards. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) which applies stricter guidelines is, however, a bit more cautious. They reported that a total of 10 cancer-causing contaminants, including arsenic and chloroform, were found to be above national and state averages in Houston's tap water. These include 1,2,3-Trichloropropane, Arsenic, Bromodichloromethane, Chloroform, Chromium, Dibromochloromethane, Dichloroacetic acid (THM), Radiological contaminants, Total trihalomethanes (TTHMs) and Trichloroacetic acid. Moreover, according to water research by OrbMedia microplastics were found in 94% of all tap water in the United States. Some of these elements might sound very scary but the fact is that it’s very low concentrations. Thankfully they are also easy to reduce or remove with an affordable quality water filter such as TAPP.

Drinking water in public places and restaurants

Yes, just like it’s generally safe at home it’s also safe in other places. All restaurants in Houston provide tap water free of charge and sometimes its filtered. The only possible concern is public places where kids frequently consume tap water as they are more sensitive to contaminants.

Bottled water

Bottled water is available essentially everywhere. Some products are filtered tap water sources locally while others are marketed as natural mineral water. The one thing they have in common is that most are served in plastic bottles. Aquafina, Dasani, Evian, Fiji, Mountain Valley, Pure Life, and Smartwater are some of the most popular bottled waters. But don’t be fooled, the NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) concluded that an estimated 25 percent or more of bottled water is just filtered tap water, at a premium price. Despite recent improvements, Houston still has one of the lowest recycling rates in the US at below 20%. Considering how easy it is to recycle with Single Stream Recycling (SSR) this shouldn't be in the case. Nevertheless, it's always better to refuse, reduce and reuse before recycling. The average household in the US spends over $300 on bottled water per year. Therefore try to avoid buying bottled water! It is highly recommended to take a reusable water bottle along with you on the go. Use the MyTAPP app (iOS and Android) to find refill stations around you. Using a filter like TAPP, you will never need to use any plastic linked with your water consumption. When it’s time to change the filter, dispose of its biodegradable refill cartridge with organic waste.


  • The tap water in Houston is generally safe and healthy to drink
  • For anyone concerned about the tap water it’s recommended to get an affordable water filter such as TAPP
  • Tap water is safe to drink in public places
Do you drink tap water in Houston? We want your feedback and opinion. Agree or disagree? Tell us!
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Magnus Jern (MCS) is a co-founder of Tappwater, a water researcher, and recognized authority on tap water and advanced water filtration technology. Over the past seven years, he has dedicated himself to understanding everything about tap water quality, filtration systems, and bottled water.