Drink tap water in Benidorm

Drink tap water in Benidorm

Benidorm is one of the cities with the highest influx of tourists in Spain, so the city council must take responsibility for managing drinking water correctly to supply this entire volume of population. 

Especially during the summer months, the success of this tourist destination makes it necessary to have adequate facilities and a complete system that supervises and guarantees the integral water cycle in this town. Drinking water management offers a commitment to year-round water supply and quality, so you can safely drink tap water in Benidorm every month of the year.

Tap water consumption in Benidorm increases during the summer months, since the number of residents increases during the summer season. The municipal water management company has recently made an investment that guarantees an increase in flow in these months, thanks to the provision of technical means to successfully vary the flow supplied during this time. Thanks to this, one of the questions that the population in this area frequently asks is answered: you can drink tap water in Benidorm safely throughout the year.

Is Benidorm water drinkable?

Benidorm's water is drinkable and you can drink tap water in Benidorm regularly. Thanks to the automation and digitalization of processes, it is guaranteed that the purification of water in this city is in line with the forecast of population growth in the coming years.

How hard is Benidorm water?

Benidorm's natural water has a medium-high hardness, as it has a considerable amount of lime. However, thanks to the treatment it receives to be drinkable, this concentration of minerals is largely neutralized, making it one of the drinking waters considered to be very hard and of higher quality.

Where does Benidorm's drinking water come from?

Currently and thanks to the improvements introduced, water quality processes have been achieved that regulate its quality, since Benidorm's water comes from different origins. 

However, this was not always the case, since the city and other neighboring municipalities have scarce water resources and getting tap water in Benidorm that is drinkable and sufficient for the entire population has not been an easy task until the not too distant past. 

Thanks to the digitalization of processes, timely treatment is possible to achieve drinking water with the strictest quality controls. Benidorm and the surrounding regions, also with a shortage of water resources, joined forces following a great drought at the end of the last century and successfully achieved supply in the region in collaboration.

Thanks to the Benidorm City Council and Hidraqua, the service management company that completes the Water Cycle in the city, the supply and quality of drinking water is guaranteed for the entire population.

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