How to prepare a calming chamomile and mint infused water

How to prepare a calming chamomile and mint infused water

Coming back from the summer holidays and getting back to a more normal rhythm can be a challenge.

We hope to help you out a little by sharing this recipe of a calming chamomile and mint infused water that will make you ready to sleep like a baby. This recipe is very easy and takes almost no time to prepare. But bear in mind that you need to prepare it 3-4h (minimum) before going to bed in order to let the ingredients infuse.

Ingredients and machinery:

  • 1 liter of filtered water
  • 1 spoonful / bag of tea of chamomile*
  • 1 lemon*
  • 1 handful of fresh mint*
  • 1 infuser (if the chamomile is in bulk instead of in a tea bag)
  • 1 glass jar (1L capacity)
* Try to buy these ingredients package-free, from local producers and grown without pesticides.

Chamomile and mint water recipe step by step:

  1. Put the mint leaves inside the jar
  2. Fill it with fresh water from your tap
  3. Cut the lemon in slices and add them to the water together with the chamomile
  4. Let the mix infuse at room temperature a minimum of 3-4h
  5. Enjoy your infused water!
Don’t like the taste or smell of your tap water but still want to prepare this delicious recipe? Try to leave the water in the jug for a few hours before making this recipe (most of the chlorine will evaporate) or buy an affordable and easy to install water filter like TAPP 1. Now it’s your turn to make this awesome chamomile and mint water recipe. Let us know below in this blog post or through social networks if you come up with other variations of the recipe!
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